9 a.m. | Opening | Praise and Worship | Welcome
9:10 a.m. | What is an Exit Plan?
Rhonda Green, FBCG Funeral Services Director, Author and Founder of “My Exit Plan”
Learn why it is important to have your affairs in order.
9:30 a.m. | Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order
Shakisha A. Morgan, Esq., The Morgan Firm, LLC
Learn how to get your legal affairs in order; what legal documents you need to have; your rights as a spouse or adult child; what happens if your spouse dies without a will, and learn the difference between a will and a trust.
10 a.m. | Governmental Benefits
Rhonda Green, Moderator
Know what benefits you’re eligible for and how to apply.
10:30 a.m. | Young Adults: Having An Exit Plan
Jimmy Jenkins, Chairman, Goldstreet, LLC
Understand why young adults need to have a plan.
10:45 a.m. | International Affairs
Reverend Belynda Gentry, Moderator
Learn the difference between making arrangements in the United States versus other countries.
11:15 a.m. | Financial Affairs
Reverend Cynthia Terry, Moderator
Learn the difference between term and permanent life insurance policies. Know the responsibilities of selling a house from an estate. Learn the ins and outs of setting up an estate with the Register of Wills and how to open an estate account.
11:45 a.m. | Funeral Home Disposition and Understanding the Burial Process
Rhonda Green, Moderator
Understand various funeral home dispositions, such as a burial vs. cremation vs. donating your body to science. Learn how to pre-plan for military burials vs. traditional burials.
12:15 p.m. | Medical Affairs
Deacon Lou Holder, Moderator
Learn how to deal with grief and learn the various stages of grief when death occurs. Understand why you need to preplan from a medical perspective.
12:45 p.m. | Roundtable
Rhonda Green, Moderator
A discussion on taking the next steps.
1 p.m. | Closing Remarks
All times are in EDT.